Where are our Mothers?
I want you to stop reading this article right now. Scroll through the last month of Family Portraits on your phone or computer and count how many photos you are in. No. Selfies do not count. The thousands of selfies we take as mothers are evidence proving that we do want to document our lives with our children. What I want you to look for are photos where you and your children are interacting with each other. Photos that show what you love doing together or a memory. I bet you there aren’t many. My Sydney Family Photography experience is what you need.
Lost forever
A few years ago my grandfather passed away. My family was devastated and spent a lot of time looking through old Family Portraits and films. My father and his siblings went back to memories from when they were children. They wanted to find photos or film footage with their father and late mother growing up. I remember sitting on the couch thinking that I couldn’t see my grandmother anywhere. She filmed these natural candid moments of the entire extended family, but her beautiful face could not be seen in most of the footage. Why? Because she was taking it. Now it is too late to go back and change that. My grandmother was the rock of our family, and it saddens me that there is very little record of that.
The value of a Mum
It’s ironic because today it is so simple to take a quick video or snap a photo of a candid moment. As mothers we do this all day long, and I bet you there are loads of photos of your kids with their dads or grandparents on your phone. But where are you? When your children grow up, they are going to want to see you and remember what your relationship was like. They will want to remember how you held them, read to them, kissed them. They will want to remember the spontaneous moments. Sitting on the couch watching TV, playing in the park or chopping vegetables for dinner. These don’t need to be posed moments where you are looking at the camera, they should be raw and real.
A challenge from me
As I write this, I feel that history is repeating itself. I rarely appear in photos with my children. In the thousands of photos we take every year, I don’t exist in very many of them. So, this challenge is for me as much as it is for you. #existinphotos! These moments in time cannot be re-created in 10-, 20- or 40-years' time. They are invaluable to your children and will always be precious to them.
So, I implore you. Send your husband this article and make sure that he starts to take an extra two seconds of time out of his day to capture the magic of candid moments. It is the best gift you can leave for your family. Don’t be invisible in your family's history. #existinphotos and book a Daniella Photography Sydney Family Photography experience now!
Learn about how the experience works and see more Family Portraits samples here.
Click to book now!
I looked back and found this moment of us picking leaves in the garden, one of our favourite things to do!
Another candid shot on the way to a show at the opera house – thanks mum!
During my family photography sessions my primary goal is to create heirlooms for your family, so that you children have a record of these precious years together.
My goal is for you to come to a photography session and have a blast. These are the moments we want to remember most.
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